Fees 2025-2026 Paris 15ᵉ

School fees for 2025-2026 depend on the options chosen (including canteen and childcare).

Tuition fees: €9,400 / year

Registration fee (for new students only): €500

School lunch (4 days a week): €1,500 / year

Evening childcare (4 days / week): €2,250 / year or €25 / evening – 50% tax deductible.

Afterschool activities: €35 / evening – 50% tax deductible.

Wednesday nursery 3-6 years: €2,550 / year or €85 / day – 50% tax deductible.

Wednesday nursery 6-12 years: €2,800 / year or €90 / day

Extra-curricular week for 3-6 year olds: €390 / week or €90 / day – 50% tax deductible.

Extra-curricular week 6-12 years: €420 / week or €95 / day

Certain situations may give rise to reductions: siblings, etc.

As an independent school that receives no state subsidies, our operations are financed entirely by families’ school fees.

Ma Petite

Ecole Montessori

Mobile : 0630909637 


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7 rue de Villafranca 75015 Paris
55 rue des Morillons 75015 Paris
48 rue de Dantzig 75015 Paris

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